Ethical chart
To all our community of allies and collaborators
The members of Brezza Project, personally and as a family, come from the permanent exercise of social volunteering and scientific research applied to sustainable local development and social responsibility in general. From our different areas of training in economics, engineering, administration, computer science, pedagogy, political science, anthropology, biology or environmental studies, we have oriented our professional and activism efforts to the proposal and application of various projects to change and improve reality of the communities with which we have interacted.
Thus, speaking of ethical commitment and social responsibility is something essential and constitutional for all of us. For example, in our statutes registered in 2016 we commit to invest at least 10% of our income in projects with a high socioeconomic impact in scientific endeavors in favor of the environment. In fact, we already had it established in the previous companies and associations in which we participated. To this should be added the time of social volunteering that we dedicate every month without interruption since our adolescent times.
Regarding the environmental impact of our actions, we have always taken care to mitigate, neutralize and compensate the possible damages that may be generated in all the projects that we have coordinated; this is essential for us. Similarly, health care has been the main axis of our work teams, in fact, none of our founding members and collaborators smoke or consume toxic substances. We are aware that social responsibility always begins internally in our organizational culture in order to project and apply it externally to our organization.
The future of politics and economy in the world depends more and more on the sustainable and socially responsible vision of what all the social and economic actors within each society do, where participation and activism are important to promote awakening of consciousness and achieving planetary changes. For this reason, we focus on creativity, complex thinking, technological innovation and human development, as the driving force and lever of collective awakening.
Working organizational intelligence in this way makes it easy for us to talk about transparency and governance within and around all our projects and work teams. Our personal, family, professional and social life is open to our stakeholders, be they communities, public institutions, technological partners or investors. We have always had direct and transparent relationships with all our allies, whether to learn about our finances or our professional experience.
Obviously creativity and free thinking are the driving force behind the development of our projects and innovations in general. Dedicating spaces to quantum physics or exopolitics are just examples of the openness we have towards global trends that have already positioned themselves as important solutions to many public or common problems of an increasingly awake and aware humanity.
This is not a publicity speech; the members of Brezza Project daily live social responsibility internally and externally in favor of health, good emotions, professional growth, transparency, timely feedback, cooperation and economic prosperity of all our employees, investors and communities where we act That is why our conscious motto is Innovate, Cooperate, Prosper.
Thank you for helping us drive planetary change.
Dr. Samuel Scarpato Mejuto | CEO founder