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Innovate in sustainable integrative business models


Flexible thinking and unlimited creativity open the intuitive and counterintuitive course of a more sustainable and responsible world.


The collaborative economy and crowdlending allow giving value to financial participation in the knowledge society.


Participating in our projects is easier than you imagine; your ideas and relational world are worth a lot. Dare to cooperate and prosper!


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our team

We are a network of professionals from multidisciplinary areas, which sets in motion inventiveness and innovative integration, to cooperate and leverage the transition of our societies to more sustainable ways of life and business.

Cups of coffee

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The transition towards a new humanity, more harmonious and sustainable, will depend on responsible and efficient technologies, which allow us to overcome the recurring economic and inequity problems that block the evolution of our societies. We have brought to the present the vision of sustainability suggested by different native peoples who respect nature as a fundamental premise to undertake economic activities and who, in turn, by “remembering the future” of other extinct civilizations, alert us about the problems of unsustainability carried out to our planet.

All Brezza Projects proposals are generaly based on sustainability and social responsability, full cooperation between people, organizations and friendly access to digitization process, are tools that aim at projects with high financial profitability that remain within the field of environmental investment and sustainable development.

We must be very careful with financial bubbles or projects that only offer us prosperity and economic freedom without being sure where the money is being invested. The more variables and megatrends we cross, the more likely we are to target growth markets. For example, projects that simultaneously target the energy transition, digitization, inclusion and local development will surely be inserted in a safe or stable trend area.

The roles and levels of participation are diverse. You Will be kind of a partner with interest in efficiently leveraging any Project. As an investor or promoter, in all cases you will be a kind of partner with an interest in efficiently leveraging a certain project. Being an investor, you can condition the locality in which the investment is executed in favour of the agreed local development. Obviously, as a beneficiary or promoter, you will be able to collaborate in obtaining funds, which would not only speed up the execution of your project but would also allow you to have an economic participation in it. Your scientific or commercial talent will always matter to us, especially knowing that we share the same principles and values.

Yes absolutely. Communication technology and traceable finance allow us to interact globally. In addition, cultural, ecotourism, commercial exchange and energy transition projects are conceived to be carried out in any part of the world where they are required, there are even investors interested in developments whose markets are in various parts of the world. Fortunately, today we belong to a global village where we can all cooperate to innovate and prosper together.

We are a multidisciplinary team of researchers, developers and content creators, specialized in various fields of technology, finance and cross-functional cooperation. Most of us are postgraduates and have worked as professors at various universities. We are passionate about culture, caring for nature and mutual help. You can find us in the team bio and get more information about us.


About Us

We are a network of professionals from different multidisciplinary areas, which sets in motion inventiveness and innovative integration, to cooperate, to leverage the transition of our societies to more sustainable ways of life and business.