Philosophy & Interests

Free thinking, creativity and freedom

Within the limits of respect for the rights of others, we give free rein to our creative freedom. Being free thinkers to be creators is one of our fundamental principles of action within and around Brezza Project. By breaking the ties of the dogmas that limit and fossilize the conventionalism of known progress, we start working with flexible and disruptive methodologies, be they intuitive or counterintuitive ones. This is the reason why we can work together with high efficiency, around a marked diversity of people, teams and communities.

Complexity, innovation and quantum links

Multidisciplinarity and complex thinking are essential attributes of all our projects, of course, the human team that works on them and the work environment that stimulates the creative process and accelerates the learning curve between us. We push counterintuitive innovation thanks to quantum links in our network at Brezza Project; In this way, vibration allows us to access more and better information, in many cases instantly.

Disruptive methods and problem-solving approach

At Brezza Project, we not only seek to expand the limits of knowledge in each of our projects, by integrating aspects of creative intelligence in everything we do, but we also focus on situations that cross or intertwine two or more public problems at the same time. Thus, the strategic objective of all our projects seeks to solve various problems simultaneously, thus increasing the effectiveness of research and development, which also increases the possibilities of their social and economic impact.

Integration, cooperation and collaborative economy

Every time we identify the life cycle of our products and services, we activate the links or synapses with all the actors that participate directly and indirectly in the interest groups that move the institutions, markets and communities related to each one of them. The way in which we activate these synapses is through cooperation, that is, joint work that at the same time seeks mutual benefits; So, we are not based on competition but on cooperation, which provides us with the most efficient platform to launch any App or innovative project: the collaborative economy, which is what has made most of the technological innovations grow in the whole world.

Participation, transparency and timely feedback

For us, transparency and accountability begin with honesty among Brezza Project team members. We cannot be transparent with the world if we do not maintain constant and effective feedback within our organization. To do this, we have created flexible and direct communication channels that allow us to constantly and in real time flow information on finances and decision-making regarding our projects, operations, obligations and investments. So, knowing how to listen to each other is knowing how to communicate; this has worked well for us and our allies have found it convenient.

Environmental sensitivity, social commitment and solidarity

All the members of Brezza Project have been active collaborators for decades in important projects that have helped many people in academic and scientific fields, but also in rural, indigenous and popular neighbourhoods with expressions of social vulnerability. We have poured all this experience into an organization that, since its inception, began with a strong sensitivity and social responsibility. For this reason, we cannot conceive a project without taking into account the social, environmental and economic impact, in the most positive way possible. All our projects are exponential and have a purpose of massive transformation in favor of an increasingly humane and sustainable world.