Metaverse, an evolution opportunity for governments

In a World where resources have been extremely used, Creative economy comes to became the economy of the future, either because from innovation it provides solutions aimed at reducing the impact left by manufacturing industries, or because it presents production alternatives based on intangibles called “Brainfactures”.

The creative economy is recognized as a significant sector and a meaningful contributor to national gross domestic product (GDP). It has encouraged innovation and knowledge transfer across all sectors of the economy and is a critical sector to promote inclusive development. The creative economy has both commercial and cultural value. Acknowledgement of this dual worth has led governments worldwide to expand and develop their creative economies as part of economic diversification strategies. Creative work promotes fundamental rights, such as respect for human dignity, equality and democracy, all of which are essential to live in peace. Its potential to make a significant contribution to the achievement of the sustainable development goals continues to gain international recognition and support.

Metaverse, a several challenge for the transparency and accountability

As part of the innovation coming from the brain-created industries, Web 3.0, Web 4.0 and Metaverse, which is the network where Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) applications converge, among other flows, have been popular topics in recent years and for good reason. Those who use these technologies can immerse themselves in this virtual world and build on it so that users can interact, work, do business, learn and have fun in this environment. This means, for example, that a way to provide more accessible services through avatars available 24/7 is a big step in public services as well because it provides a more convenient way for citizens have access to the procedures they need. So this allows for more communication and requires a clear commitment between the government and the people.

Therefore, the Metaverse represents several challenges for governments, most of them related to the regulation and control of the use of information. The decentralized nature of Metaverse and the transition from web 3.0 to web 4.0 represent a risk of fraudulent news and scams on the Internet, and a possible vulnerability of transparency and accountability, so through the use of technology blockchain can establish effective mechanisms to track transactions; this requires greater discipline in institutions and governments, which also means important changes in the administration of the “real world” (beyond political theory and speech management).

Still, Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 offer governments many possibilities to improve their services, so why not invest in it?

By Liliana Nolasco

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